Many people have contributed to make this site what it is today. Without these people, this site would not have the quantity
and quality of information it has today. If I left anyone out, drop me a line so I can
say thanks!
- All the FAQ writers out there
- Andrea Controzzi
- The Anime Pocket Guide
- Ken Arromdee and his Anime Video Game List
- Doug Cranston
- Marcel de Kogel
- John Earickson
- Nicholas Edwards
- Matteo Fancellu
- Marat Fayzullin
- Poon Jacob Tin Hang
- Wei-Hwa Huang
- Gabriel Jarero
- Son Minh Khau
- Mike Koos
- Patriek Lesparre
- Dan Mastriani
- Crystal McClure
- Roger Nystrom
- Richard Mitchell
- starfish
- Susano Orbatos
- Brian Real
- Lasse Reinikainen
- Paul Robson
- Eduardo Rodrigues
- Joshua Seames
- Adam Sencindiver
- Shaun ?
- Don Switzer
- Jose Vilca
- Drew Webber
- Phillip Yee
- "Bungiefan" Jeff